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General educational theory and practice; middle school and high school education; and topics such as curriculum, instruction, learning, tests, and measurements.

MTLE Study Guides and Practice Tests


*Free resource for enrolled Metro State students.  For Metro State alumni, please visit the Library Services for Alumni webpage for additional information on how to access library resources.


Mometrix offers study guides, flashcards, and practice questions for over 1,800 different standardized exams including MTLE.

For a PDF handout with instructions on finding specific content-area, online MTLE study materials, click here.


Do you prefer study guides in physical book format?

Click here to search Mometrix MTLE study guides & pratice tests by content area

available for checkout from the Library's circulating book collections.



MTLE Online Course and Practice Tests (from Longsdale Publishing)

 Click on the following link to create a user account and take free online practice tests for the Minnesota NES Essential Academic Skills Exam:


When you have completed the registration process, you will be issued a user name and password. 

Please save this information in your files.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Practice tests for Content Licensure Examinations

(with free study guides after you take the practice test)


*Click on the URL below to access instructions for setting up your account:


Please direct any questions you have about accessing practice tests to:

Marilyn Baeker 



Listed below are additional MTLE test prep materials (free and fee-based) available online: