Daily Writing Tips: https://www.dailywritingtips.com/
A blog that focuses on supporting "clear, correct English" in the digital age; offering articles on grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary and more.
LinkedIn Learning: https://www.metrostate.edu/linkedin-learning
Available to all current Metro State students, faculty and staff with a large library tutorials and courses. Access it under the Academic Success tab on Metro current student website.
Metro State Library: https://www.metrostate.edu/library
Research, reference and writing support, Writing Center handouts on citation and a few others, Covid-19 access and support.
National Writing Project: https://www.nwp.org/
A network of sites anchored at colleges and universities focused on writing and learning.
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries: http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/
A site with vocabulary, grammar and reference resources; excellent for usage and meaning.
Purdue OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
One of the most widely used sites for general, and discipline specific citation and writing advice.
Sophia Learning: https://www.sophia.org/
Free tutorials designed to appeal to all kinds of learning styles. Find writing tutorials under Composition at https://www.sophia.org/subjects/composition
Texas A&M: https://writingcenter.tamu.edu/Students/Writing-Speaking-Guides
“hundreds of guides to take you from brainstorming to revision . . . audio and video files as well as interactive lessons . . .”
UNC Writing Center: http://writingcenter.unc.edu
University of North Carolina Writing Center; their handouts are comprehensive and detailed.
University of Minnesota Center for Writing: http://writing.umn.edu/sws/quickhelp/index.html
“Quick Tips” handouts are structured in a problem/solution format with explanation and examples.
Zotero: https://libguides.metrostate.edu/cite-sources/zotero
A free, easy to use program to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources that integrates with the web browser. Find it to download on the web. Metro Library links to tutorials on how to use it under the “Cite Sources” tab.
Read & Write: A specialized tool bar to assist with reading, writing, and language learning. The program includes many features like spellcheck, thesaurus, the ability to read aloud, translate, pronunciation guide, transcribe from voice, verb checker, fact mapper, fact finder, screen masking for less distraction, and video tutorials to assist with using it. A particular advantage is its ability to work with web pages and Pdfs.
It is loaded on all Metro Library and Lab computers. Metro students, staff and faculty can download Read&Write Gold edition at no cost for use on any device.
To find it, log in to D2L Brightspace and scroll down to Accessibility/Literacy Technology; click on: Read&Write by texthelp.
-Resource list compiled by Metropolitan State University's Writing Tutors