Free version of MEDLINE, the most comprehensive source of journal articles in the health sciences. Go to PubMed via the library's website to access links to full-text articles in the library's electronic journal subscriptions. Look for buttons labeled "Check for Full Text" or "Free Full Text".
If the full text of the article is not linked to the PubMed citation, remember that the Library can obtain copies of articles for students, staff and faculty for free via the InterLibrary Loan Service.
MEDLINE is the most comprehensive source of journal articles in the health sciences. Please note: the citations listed in PubMed are the same citations listed in this MEDLINE via EBSCO, but PubMed provides a different search interface and is freely available to all without a subscription. Preview the new MEDLINE interface.
Scholarly and professional articles and reports on complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Preview the new Alt-HealthWatch interface.
Scholarly journal articles, books, dissertations and more on the subject of psychology. An extensive and comprehensive resource. Preview the new PsycINFO interface.
A good starting place for articles on almost any topic - both scholarly journals and magazines are included. Preview the new Academic Search Premier interface.
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