A good place to start your research for nearly any topic. This database covers many disciplines and provides electronic access to the full-text articles of more than 4,500+ publications, including more than 3,500+ peer-reviewed publications. Also includes the journal Chronicle of Philanthropy.
This database covers virtually every aspect of business. Electronic access to over 3,500+ full-text journals. Appropriate for topics relating to leadership, management, ethics and values, board governance, and human resource management. Also includes the publications International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Nonprofit World Magazine, and Nonprofit Management and Leadership.
The Catalog of Nonprofit Literature is a searchable database of the literature of philanthropy. It contains approximately 28,000 full bibliographic citations, of which nearly 20,000 have descriptive abstracts. It is updated daily. The Catalog was formerly known as Literature of the Nonprofit Sector (LNPS).
A database that provides information on nonprofits and access to many IRS 990 forms. The IRS 990 form is the primary financial report of most nonprofit organizations. Note: this database is often referred to as Candid..
Articles from academic journals, magazines and newspapers. Many important and historically significant LGBT sources included. Preview the new LGBTQ+ Life interface.
More than 500 journals from Sage in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine. Appropriate for topics relating to leadership, management, and human resource management. Also includes the journal Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Social Work Abstracts offers extensive coverage of more than 450 social work and human services journals dating back to 1965. Produced by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the database provides indexing and abstracts dealing with all aspects of the social work field, including theory and practice, areas of service and social issues and problems. Appropriate for topics relating to program evaluation.
Although this database is not full-text, you can still obtain the articles through the search for full text link.
Online Journals and Newsletters for Nonprofit Management (Free or Open Access)
Weekly reports from Congressional Quarterly provide detailed and nonpartisan information on the activities of Congress and other Washington news, full-text back to 1983. Contents can be browsed by topic or searched by keyword or bill number.
A peer-reviewed journal that "seeks to provide an exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge and insights about volunteerism and volunteer management and administration, bot in North America and internationally."